All i knew about Autism was that it was a disorder that could have serious impact on leading a "normal" life. It took me a few weeks to reaslize what Autism really is and what a profound impact it can have on the one who has it as well as on the immediate family. I went through a denial phase. It took me a few months to realize and come to terms with the fact that my son has Autism. My own son !
Who would say he has issues. He looked so cute, so normal. How could he NOT be ok. I started reading a lot of articles online as well as books on Autism. The more i read, the more worries i had. I was stunned to know that 1 in every 150 parents go through this. That was a alarming rate, a ascary trend. Heck, that was more than a combined count of people who have been dignoised with AIDS or cancer !